Species not yet photographed

An objective in our species recording is to use photographs taken only in Heene Cemetery. Sometimes this has not been possible, as with most lichens, and with a few birds, butterflies and flowering plants.

Using third-party illustrations or photographs taken elsewhere, this page has been provided as a reference for our volunteers. (Note that lichens have been omitted from this list. Their identification isn't straightforward.)

[Number of species matching these criteria: 25.]

Beech Knight
(Tricholoma sciodes)
(Gilled Mushrooms)
Chaffinch (female)
(Fringilla coelebs)
Clouded Yellow (male, underside)
(Colias croceus)
(Whites and Yellows)
Collared Dove
(Streptopelia decaocto)
(Pigeons and Doves)
Common Pipistrelle
(Pipistrellus pipistrellus)
(Vespertilionid Bats)
Generic moss image
(Tortula truncata)
Field Maple
(Acer campestre)
(Maples and Horse Chestnut)
Five-spot Burnet
(Zygaena trifolii)
(Forester and Burnet Moths)
Fool's Parsley
(Aethusa cynapium cynapium)
Girdled Knight
(Tricholoma cingulatum)
(Gilled Mushrooms)
Grey Willow flowers
(Salix cinerea subsp. oleifolia)
Jackdaw - awaiting image
(Coloeus monedula)
Lesser Yellow Trefoil
(Trifolium dubium)
Meadow Brown
(Maniola jurtina insularis)
(Fritillaries, Nymphalids and Browns)
Pointed Spear-moss
(Calliergonella cuspidata)
(Feather Mosses)
Sparrowhawk (male)
(Accipter nisus)
(Hawks, Eagles, et al)
Springy Turf-moss
(Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus)
(Feather Mosses)
Square-stalked St John's Wort
(Hypericum tetrapterum)
(St John's Worts)
Swartz's Feather-moss - awaiting image
(Oxyrrhynchium hians)
(Feather Mosses)
Thale Cress
(Arabidopsis thaliana)
The Bolete Eater
(Hypomyces crysospermus)
(Sac Mushrooms and allies)
Thyme-leaved Speedwell
(Veronica serpyllifolia)
Twotone Funnel - awaiting image
(Clitocybe metachroa)
(Gilled Mushrooms)
Upright Brome
(Bromopsis erecta)
Violet/Mauve Thread-moss - awaiting image
(Bryum ruderale rhizoids)