Sponsored and dedicated species

To help support the work of the Friends of Heene Cemetery, we have two species sponsorship schemes. Your participation in either scheme will contribute to the ongoing work of the Friends in maintaining Heene Cemetery as the very special place it is.

If you wish to sponsor or dedicate a species, please use our sponsorship and dedication request form.

Dedicated species

This scheme enables you to nominate a species to be one that you dedicate to the name of a loved one. Your chosen species will be marked by just your dedication, making it unique to that species. The cost is from £10. Current dedications are:

Amelia rose Amelia (Millie) Henning née Bartlett 1918 - 1992
Carrion Crow My sister Angela, may the crows watch over her.
Common Dog-violet Moyna Barbara Faulkner née Thompson 2/12/1928 - 7/1/2020. Thank you for all you did to make me who I am today.
Early Dog-violet Dennis John Faulkner 16/1/1924 - 23/6/1999. Thank you for all you did to make me who I am today.
Goldcrest Mary Elizabeth White 15.11.1930 - 22.07.2018 you taught me the bird names and inspired me to love and respect all nature.
Grey Squirrel Michéle Crawford 26.06.1949 - 08.05.2023. Michéle, unique and inspirational, a lover of nature, roses, rambling and admirer of squirrels.
Hazel Richard Crofts Bartlett 1880-1956 and Bessie May Bartlett née Hemsley 1886-1964 of Hazelwood, Cansiron Lane, Holtye, Kent.
Honeysuckle To remember my dad, Reg Cross, who grew an amazing honeysuckle on his garage wall. Home to many species.
Pedunculate Oak Claire Elizabeth Moss 21/02/1979-19/05/2020. Claire loved trees.
Polyanthus Stan White 29.03.1929 - 18.05.2024 who taught me how to collect the seeds for the following years. Thank you x
Slowworm I, Eileen Holroyd, dedicate my personal enjoyment of this wonder of nature to my late father, Edward Holroyd (1932-2022), whose love, support and creativity made me strong to forge and build my own path through life.
Speckled Wood I, Eileen Holroyd, dedicate my personal enjoyment of this wonder of nature to my late mother, Vera Holroyd {Née; Vera Buckley} (1932-2016), whose love, support and creativity made me strong to forge and build my own path through life.
Spindle Tree Muriel Violet Barnes née Webb. 1922-2014.
Wren Dr. Graham Harrington 1935 – 2024. Malanda, Queensland. Research scientist, wildlife conservationist and co-ordinator of volunteers, Graham was largely responsible for saving the Carpentarian Grasswren in the Northern Territory and established a wildlife sanctuary of 158 acres at his home in the rain forest.

Sponsored species

A species may be sponsored by an unlimited number of people. The cost is £5. Current sponsorships are:

Broad-bodied Chaser Colin Pearce
Clustered Feather-moss Rob Tomlinson
Domestic Cat Neve Pearce
Goldfinch Jane Tomlinson
Marmalade Hoverfly Rob Tomlinson
Quaking Grass Rob Tomlinson
Red-legged Shieldbug Angela White
Wichurana Rambler rose Michéle Crawford
Wild Carrot Rob Tomlinson
Yellow Scales John Brownbill